On invitation of Mr. Feyaz Ali Shah, newly appointed Managing Director of Sindh Tourism Development Corporation, a meeting was held in his Office on June 27, 2023, attended by Mr. Mustansir Zakir, Chairman PHA and Secretary General PHA. Possibility to promote tourism in Sindh was discussed in detail through Inter-Provincial tourism, Religious tourism, Heritage tourism as Sindh Province is enriched with all these attractions. Mr. Feyaz Ali Shah and Mr. Mustansir Zakir also deliberated way forward to promote Sindh Tourism through display of STDC Tour Packages, brochures at hotels tourist guide counters, arranging tour group visits and MD, STDC offered hoteliers group to visit STDC hotels / motels and resorts at different locations etc. M.D. STDC desired to get PHA Membership and proceed further for better arrangements in this regards. While concluding the meeting, Mr. Feyaz Ali Shah presented traditional gifts of Sindh including Ajrak to PHA Chairman and Secretary General. Thanks to MD, STDC for his kind hospitality. Pakistan Hotels Association